coach teacher healer guide
coach teacher healer guide
coach teacher healer guide
coach teacher healer guide
coach teacher healer guide
coach teacher healer guide

Having gone through my own healing journey, I know it can be a daunting idea to embark on the task of facing our deeper work, sometimes referred to as shadow work. I'll do it later, when I have time...that's what I used to say... but eventually I DID IT. I'm here to tell you, from the other side of that shadow work that I spent a good many years immersing myself in:
It's been the best gift I've ever received - and it came from me.
I highly recommend giving yourself this gift. What is the gift? The gift of self. The gift of knowing myself, seeing myself clearly with compassion and understanding. The gift of forgiving myself, becoming clear on what's truly important to ME, learning how my trauma and damages have actually created wisdom and skill. It includes becoming clear on what my purpose and super powers are, feeling solid in who I am and how I am, and leaving behind a life of frozen uncertainty for a life where I'm moving forward as the creator and conductor of that life, with tons of purpose and massive energy. I gained a set of tools and practices that help me manage and process challenges authentically and efficiently.
You deserve to give yourself this gift too!​

stacey's journey to the gift of self

Why me? What brought me to my knees...
Believe me - I’ve dealt with challenges and barriers myself.
Here's a little more breakdown of my journey. My grandmother’s maiden name was Murphy and I used to joke that Murphy’s law must be part of my inheritance. By all accounts of those who've known me for decades, I shouldn’t be here.
I’ve lived through years of self-destructive addictions and self-defeating behaviors. I’ve survived horrific violence and the resulting severe anxiety, disconnection and dissociation, along with health-related maladies that flourish in this imbalance. I’ve questioned whether it was worth staying alive - and more than once tried to take my own life in the middle of intense depression.
But, I am here and I’m so grateful.

from hardcore to heartcore
My journey has taken me from the hardcore punk scene in my teens, to addiction and a physically abusive relationship, to challenging years as a single parent. PTSD had been a real and ever-present challenge for most of the years of my life. I'd started doing small pieces of work, anything and everything I could muster, once I knew I was going to be a parent, but even with the greatest intentions to progress, it hadn't become a full-blown mission to do my shadow work until the late 2000s/early 2010s.
Now, through my healing journey and the good fortune to have found some incredible practices, I’ve been able to connect to myself, now embodied and in touch with my feelings and desires, not frozen and emotionally hijacked, and life is a completely different experience.
During the last decade or so, I’ve built a profound and beautiful connection to my heart’s intelligence –
what I like to call my Heartcore.

a profound and beautiful connection

Living from this place, I'm able to engage with life more fully, keep flowing when obstacles and challenges present themselves, all the while keeping in touch with what I need in order to be well in the moment. It's a wonderful foundation for continued growth and bringing in the experiences I dream of.
I've seen a lot in my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly - but I've been able to neutralize the beliefs, feelings, and emotions attached to memories of difficult experiences while transmuting them to wisdom, compassion and joy, along with the ability to support others in finding their own powerful transformations in so much less time than I spent finding my way through.
I’ve come out of dissociation, disconnection, and the inability to see my way through life’s challenges. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with heavy emotions from deep trauma and trying to face it alone, I’ve come into community – a most essential component to true healing.
There’s less of the idea of experiences being only good or bad, and more of the feeling that most of it is just incredibly complex and rich and textured and beautiful, full of depth and lessons and perspective. It’s all part of the human experience. I’m not living above the clouds in a fantasy land. I’m allowing myself to fully feel what comes up and use tools and practices to work through the pain and challenge when they come, allowing them to pass through me rather than hanging around causing ongoing problems. I’m no longer being hijacked and triggered by things that used to stop me in my tracks. I’m able to flow, find more lightness, more fascination, more groundedness, more experiences of being blown away by what it is to be human - It is so profound. I’m growing my wisdom.
And it is 100% possible for you to be here with me!

from student to teacher
My own healing journey has defined this most recent and powerful season of my life.
After years zeroing in on my desire for more significant growth, I began my intensive journey with Aylee Welch between 2011 and 2017, first involved one-on-one and in groups and then participating in the first cohort of her Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy three-year practitioner’s training program.
I’ve supplemented my learning with training in shamanic journeying, EFT tapping, and biofield tuning. I’ve tirelessly researched - and experienced personal success and wonderfully improved health through - the power of detox and nutrition, energy management, indigenous plant medicines and folk remedies, including a personal exploration into shamanic principles of healing, alongside powerful integration processes. I’ve gained advanced certification with the International Association of Kambo Practitioners and regularly serve clients with this incredible Amazonian folk remedy. And I've become a certified, elite MAP coach utilizing this incredible method for accessing the superconscious mind during my Breakthrough Sessions.

My synthesis of these practices has become meaningful for myself and my clients, as an effective alternative to many mainstream psychological and medical interventions that accomplish little more than masking symptoms and fueling addiction and dependence, leaving people with little access to true healing and little hope for a happy satisfying future. A process I was able to see first hand, from many angles, producing thousands of medical reports, while working in the medical field for over 10 years in offices of various specialities. Now, as an efficiency expert, one who "makes order out of chaos," I draw on this synthesis of education and experience to support my clients in their own transformational journeys.
I've considered myself a Warrior of Transformation and it's been my mission, for many years, to discover efficient and effective natural modalities for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing that are superior to what's available in the mainstream.
It's been an incredible journey!
This synthesis represents the full range of my philosophy and training through a service with stunning potential for integration, transformation and unprecedented growth and evolution.
Helping my clients find their way back to their own essence, their own Heartcore, for a life of greater flow, clarity, and power on their terms is deeply satisfying.
The impact of Breakthrough Sessions on all aspects of life, love, and work is unparalleled, and I'm honored to share it with the world.
a warrior of transformation