Corporate Consciousness

Heartcore Global offers breakthrough sessions that heal the difficulties in your outer world by accessing that which makes up your inner world. This includes multiple levels of programming and information which have ultimately become your life experience.
Utilizing a blend of modalities that address the programming and information within, while allowing us to reveal and rework the programs in the subconscious mind, Breakthrough Sessions with Stacey facilitate greater wellbeing in an easily accessible process.
Stacey guides you on a journey to yourself, creating a safe and sacred space to explore formative material through the inner child(ren), facilitating connections where there are disconnects, and leading processes to reveal and release mental, emotional, and physical blockages while creating the life you desire.

Having gone through my own healing journey, I know it can be a daunting idea to embark on the task of facing our deeper work, sometimes referred to as shadow work.
I'll do it later, when I have time...that's what I used to say... but eventually I DID IT. I'm here to tell you, from the other side of that shadow work that I spent a good many years immersing myself in,
It's been the best gift I've ever received - and it came from me.
I highly recommend giving yourself this gift. What is the gift? The gift of self. The gift of knowing myself, seeing myself with compassion and understanding, forgiving myself, becoming clear on what's truly important to ME. Learning how my trauma and damages have actually created wisdom and skill, becoming clear on what my purpose and super powers are, feeling solid in who I am and how I am, and leaving behind a life of frozen uncertainty for a life where I'm moving forward as the creator and conductor of that life, with tons of purpose and massive energy. All accompanied by a set of tools and practices that help me manage and process challenges authentically and efficiently.
You deserve to give yourself this gift too!​

Why me? What brought me to MAP & Mindset Coaching?
Believe me - I’ve dealt with challenges and barriers myself.
Here's a little more breakdown of my journey. My grandmother’s maiden name was Murphy and I used to joke that Murphy’s law must be part of my inheritance. By all accounts of those who've known me for decades, I shouldn’t be here.
I’ve lived through years of self-destructive addictions and self-defeating behaviors. I’ve survived horrific violence and the resulting severe anxiety, disconnection and dissociation, along with health-related maladies that flourish in this imbalance. I’ve questioned whether it was worth staying alive - and more than once tried to take my own life in the middle of intense depression.
But, I am here and I’m so grateful.

Having gone through my own healing journey, I know it can be a daunting idea to embark on the task of facing our deeper work, sometimes referred to as shadow work.
I'll do it later, when I have time...that's what I used to say... but eventually I DID IT. I'm here to tell you, from the other side of that shadow work that I spent a good many years immersing myself in,
It's been the best gift I've ever received - and it came from me.
I highly recommend giving yourself this gift. What is the gift? The gift of self. The gift of knowing myself, seeing myself with compassion and understanding, forgiving myself, becoming clear on what's truly important to ME. Learning how my trauma and damages have actually created wisdom and skill, becoming clear on what my purpose and super powers are, feeling solid in who I am and how I am, and leaving behind a life of frozen uncertainty for a life where I'm moving forward as the creator and conductor of that life, with tons of purpose and massive energy. All accompanied by a set of tools and practices that help me manage and process challenges authentically and efficiently.
You deserve to give yourself this gift too!​

Why me? What brought me to MAP & Mindset Coaching?
Believe me - I’ve dealt with challenges and barriers myself.
Here's a little more breakdown of my journey. My grandmother’s maiden name was Murphy and I used to joke that Murphy’s law must be part of my inheritance. By all accounts of those who've known me for decades, I shouldn’t be here.
I’ve lived through years of self-destructive addictions and self-defeating behaviors. I’ve survived horrific violence and the resulting severe anxiety, disconnection and dissociation, along with health-related maladies that flourish in this imbalance. I’ve questioned whether it was worth staying alive - and more than once tried to take my own life in the middle of intense depression.
But, I am here and I’m so grateful.